Policies for a More Competitive Financial System Policies for a More Competitive Financial System

Conference Series 8 Conference Series 8

This Event Has Ended This Event Has Ended

June, 1972
Nantucket, Massachusetts

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston is particularly pleased to publish these proceedings, the eighth in our series of conference volumes. The conference, which was held in June 1972, reviewed The Report of the President's Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation, more commonly known as the Report of the Hunt Commission.

The Hunt Commission Report contains a series of recommendations which would greatly change our financial structure and institutions. Because of the importance of these ideas, a distinguished group of economists, government officials and lawyers was invited to participate in the conference and to analyze the Commission's findings and recommendations.


Entire Proceedings (11.5MB)

   Frank E. Morris

Overview of the Commission's Philosophy and Recommendations 
  Donald P. Jacobs and Almarin Phillips

Chartering, Branching, and the Concentration Problem
  Donald I. Baker, with discussions by Ross M. Robertson and Leonard Lapidus

Expanded Powers for Depositary Financial Institutions 
  Frank Wille, with discussions by Edward S. Herman and George R. Hall

The Bank Holding Company - A Superior Device for Expanding Activities? 
  Samuel B. Chase, Jr., with discussions by Phillip E. Areeda and Eugene M. Lerner

The Implications of the Proposals of the Hunt Commission for the Mortgage and Housing Markets: An Empirical Study
  Ray C. Fair and Dwight M. Jaffee

An Empirical Study of the Hunt Commission Report Proposals for the Mortgage and Housing Markets 
  Paul S. Anderson and Robert W. Eisenmenger, with a discussion by Henry C. Wallich

Proposals for Rechanneling Funds to Meet Social Priorities 
  Lester C. Thurow, with discussions by Edward J. Kane and Eli Shapiro.

A Revised Regulatory Framework
  Joseph W. Barr, with discussions by William T. Dentzer and George J. Benston