International Payments Imbalances in the 1980s
Conference Series 32
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Entire Proceedings (12.9MB)
International Payments Imbalances in the 1980s: An Overview
Norman S. Fieleke
International Payments Imbalances in Japan, Germany, and the United States
William H. Branson and Grazia Marchese; with discussion by Paul R. Krugman and Yoshio Suzuki
International Payments Imbalances in Heavily Indebted Developing Countries
Norman S. Fieleke; with discussion by Ariel Buira and J. David Richardson
International Payments Imbalances of the East Asian Developing Economies
Jeffrey D. Sachs and Mark W. Sundberg; with discussion by Richard C. Marston and Fai-Nan Perng
The Balance of Payments Adjustment Process in Taiwan, Republic of China
Fai-nan Perng
International Capital Mobility and Exchange Rate Volatility
Jeffrey A. Frankel; with discussion by Michael P. Dooley
The Adjustment Mechanism: Theory and Problems
Rudiger Dornbusch; with discussion by W. Max Corden
Panel Discussion
To Coordinate or Not to Coordinate?
Richard N. Cooper
International Nominal Targeting: A Proposal for Policy Coordination
Jeffrey A. Frankel
The Coordination of Economic Policies
Jacob A. Frenkel
The Requirements for Successful International Macroeconomic Cooperation
Helmut Schlesinger
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