The Top Reads of 2024
On the list: Cryptocurrency, the future of finance, and aging in New England
Read moreThe Supervisory Research and Analysis Unit conducts research and analysis to support the Federal Reserve System's supervision and regulation efforts, and its work on identifying and analyzing potential risks to financial stability.
Guidance for appeals of material supervisory determinations process, consistent with section 309 of Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, 12 U.S.C. Section 4806 as detailed in SR 20-28/CA 20-14.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Applications Unit is responsible for processing applications and notices submitted to the Federal Reserve System pursuant to the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, and the Federal Reserve Act.
The Community Reinvestment Act requires the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston to assess each state member bank's record of helping to meet the credit needs of its local communities consistent with safe and sound operation.
Any state-chartered mutual or stock-formed bank may become a member of the Federal Reserve System. The twelve Reserve Banks supervise member banks under the System's mandate to assure strength and stability in domestic markets and the banking system.
The Federal Reserve System relies on the timely and accurate filing of report data by domestic and foreign financial institutions.
The Discount Window functions as a safety valve in relieving pressures in reserve markets and helps to assure the basic stability of financial markets. It is administered in each Federal Reserve District for the District’s depository institutions.
The Federal Reserve Board’s Payment System Risk Policy is intended to assist Reserve Banks and depository institutions in controlling risk.
Federal Reserve Banks monitor reserve accounts to ensure compliance with pertinent regulations.
Resources to assist bankers with navigating regulatory requirements as well as providing resources relevant to the banking industry.
The Federal Reserve System is working to support the flow of credit to households and businesses and the overall U.S. economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guidance to promote the submission of whistleblower claims regarding misconduct, unsafe or unsound practices, or violations of law or regulation occurring at any banking organization supervised by the Federal Reserve as detailed in SR 22-7/CA 22-7.
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