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Rethinking the International Monetary System
Conference Series 43
June 1999 Editors: Jane Sneddon Little and Giovanni P. Olivei
Conference papers are available as PDF files.
Foreward Cathy E. Minehan
Rethinking the International Monetary System: An Overview Jane Sneddon Little and Giovanni P. Olivei
A Historical Perspective on International Monetary Arrangements: Opening Address Harold James
Why the Interest in Reform? Jane Sneddon Little and Giovanni P. Olivei
Discussion Toyoo Gyohten
Discussion Ricardo Hausmann
Exchange Rate Choices Richard N. Cooper
Discussion C. Fred Bergsten
Discussion Takatoshi Ito
Discussion Catherine L. Mann
International Capital Flows and Emerging Markets: Amending the Rules of the Game? Sebastian Edwards
Discussion William R. Cline
Discussion Tom de Swaan
The Politics of the International Monetary System: An Address Robert O. Keohane
International Lender of Last Resort: What Are the Alternatives? Jeffrey D. Sachs
Discussion Jeffrey A. Frankel
Discussion Henry Kaufman
Policymaking in an Integrated World: From Surveillance to. . .? Barry J. Eichengreen
Discussion Ralph C. Bryant
Discussion Vitor Gaspar
General Discussion Priorities in Reforming the International Monetary System: A Panel Discussion
Is Globalization Really to Blame? Pedro Pou
The Experience of Indonesia Miranda S. Goeltom
A View from The International Monetary Fund Jack Boorman
Points of Reference for Future Action E. Gerald Corrigan
A Perspective on Financial Crises Paul A. Volcker
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