Nomination Period Opens for 2019 Membership on Boston Fed’s New England Community Development Advisory Council Nomination Period Opens for 2019 Membership on Boston Fed’s New England Community Development Advisory Council

December 14, 2018

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has opened nominations for membership on the First District's Reserve Bank New England Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC). Made up of at least 12 members –including community development organizations, banks, state and local government, foundations, academic institutions, and private non-profit and for profit developers – the First District’s CDAC represents the six New England states: Connecticut (excluding Fairfield County), Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Established by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the CDAC provides a forum for representatives across the First District to inform the Boston Fed president and community development staff of activities, issues that relate to low- and moderate-income individuals and communities, and barriers to community development in the region. The group also discusses ways in which the Bank can be of assistance to support community development efforts in the region. Members serve a three-year term, committing to attend three meetings per year at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Council members are asked to share information on general overall economic conditions, current lending conditions, labor markets and employment conditions, and other topics of common interest to the Council and the Federal Reserve System.

CDAC members represent communities that form the backbone of the New England economy. From non-profits that support low-income and rural communities to state and local government from some of the First District's largest cities and towns, CDAC members provide valuable perspectives that help the Boston Fed carry out its mission of public service across New England.

Eligible institutions can nominate a participant at the chief executive officer, president, executive officer or senior leadership level. The nominee may not be a current director of a Federal Reserve Bank. Individuals wishing to self-nominate are encouraged to provide references from organizations and associations. Nominations must be received by January 14, 2019.

View and submit the nomination form here. Additional nomination information may be found at, or by contacting Carmen Panacopoulos at 617.973.5907 or