Bank Lending to Private Equity and Private Credit Funds: Insights from Regulatory Data
Bank Lending to Private Equity and Private Credit Funds: Insights from Regulatory Data
Supervisory Research and Analysis Notes (SRA Notes) are articles in which SRA staff present their research and analysis on subjects typically related to finance and economics. SRA Notes are shorter and less technically focused than SRA Working Papers.
Are retail prime money market fund investors increasingly more sensitive to stress events?
Are retail prime money market fund investors increasingly more sensitive to stress events?
Accounting for Debt Securities in the Age of Silicon Valley Bank
Accounting for Debt Securities in the Age of Silicon Valley Bank
Swing Pricing Calibration: A Simple Thought Exercise Using ETF Pricing Dynamics to Infer Swing Factors for Mutual Funds
Swing Pricing Calibration: A Simple Thought Exercise Using ETF Pricing Dynamics to Infer Swing Factors for Mutual Funds
Review of U.S. Business Bankruptcies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Review of U.S. Business Bankruptcies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Déjà vu All Over Again? Learning from Nonfinancial Business Credit Booms and Busts of the Past
Déjà vu All Over Again? Learning from Nonfinancial Business Credit Booms and Busts of the Past