
A primary responsibility of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Applications Unit in the Supervision, Regulation and Credit Department is to process and act upon applications and notifications filed by state member banks, bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, financial holding companies, and foreign banking organizations subject to Federal Reserve Bank of Boston supervision. Information concerning current applications and notices, comment periods, how to submit a comment to the Federal Reserve System, applications approved by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and how to request a copy of any application filed in the First Federal Reserve District is provided here.

Filing Banking Applications

FedEZFile is a cloud-based platform that allows banking organizations supervised by the Federal Reserve System to submit applications online, either directly or through their authorized representatives. FedEZFile is easy, immediate and secured by multi-factor authentication, which allows submission of applications via PC, tablet or smartphone. For more information and how to obtain access, visit FedEZFile Fluent. Additional information can be found at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System site.

Each Reserve Bank has a local expert to assist in the use of FedEZFile. The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s expert is Christopher Gillett who can be reached at For system access issues regarding FedEZFile and other technical problems, please visit FedEZFile Fluent for more information or contact FedEZFile Support at 1-833-656-4644 or through email at on weekdays from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm central time.

Applications Filing Information

This page provides general information about the types of filings required by the Federal Reserve System, the associated forms, and how they are processed.

Banking Market Definitions

Competitive Analysis and Structure Source Instrument for Depository Institutions, or CASSIDI, is the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ online banking market structure and competitive analysis application through which users are able to view banking market structures and definitions, view the banking markets a particular depository institution operates in and perform “what if” (pro forma) analyses to determine the potential changes a merger or acquisition could have to banking market structures and competition. For questions about the banking markets for the First District, please contact the Applications staff.

Public Comments

The H.2A release lists all applications and notices that have been filed or will be filed shortly with the Federal Reserve System under the Bank Holding Company Act, the Change in Bank Control Act, the Home Owners' Loan Act or Regulations Y, LL, MM for which a notice has been sent to the Federal Register and are subject to public comment.

Comments may be submitted by e-mail at The Federal Reserve System will consider comments and any request for a hearing on the applications or notices if they are received by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston on or before the last date of the comment period.

Obtaining Copies of Applications

Requests for copies of public portions of applications or notices may be submitted by e-mail at For the Reserve Bank to fulfill any request for copies, the following information MUST be provided via request: name, address, telephone number, and the application of which a copy is requested.

Additional Information Related to Applications

Federal Reserve System Actions and Applications (H.2)
Weekly actions taken by the Board, its staff and the Federal Reserve Banks are listed in the H.2 release. The report also lists the applications received by each Federal Reserve Bank during the week, as well as ratings issued under the Community Reinvestment Act.

Semiannual Reports on Banking Applications Activity

Orders on Banking Applications

Applications Policy and Guidance
This page provides links to Federal Reserve guidance and other resources that are targeted at Applications.


Questions on applications may be submitted to the Applications mailbox or to Robert Fitzpatrick, Manager, at (617) 973-3235.