Labor Market Supply and Demand in New England
In recent years policymakers and business leaders across New England have been concerned about a potential shortage of skilled workers in the region, particularly when the baby boom generation retires. Major Center research released in 2008 examined the future of the skilled labor force in New England by analyzing the region’s supply of recent college graduates. The Center’s findings lead to a collaborative effort between the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce to promote internships as a means of fostering the retention of recent college graduates.
Subsequent Center research examined more closely the potential mismatch between the supply of and demand for skilled labor in the region. This work suggested that New England is likely to face greater challenges than the rest of the country in maintaining an adequate supply of “middle-skill” jobs. Through a joint effort with the Commonwealth Corporation, the Center also produced a series of detailed labor market profiles for eight regional labor markets within Massachusetts.
Uncertain Futures: Are American Youth Increasingly Idle? Think Again
by Alicia Sasser Modestino
NEPPC Policy Brief 13-4
Uncertain Futures? Youth Attachment to the Labor Market in the United States and New England
by Alicia Sasser Modestino
NEPPC Research Report 13-3
Labor Market Trends in Massachusetts Regions
by Robert Clifford
A joint project with the Commonwealth Corporation of Massachusetts
Mismatch in the Labor Market: Measuring the Supply of and Demand for Skilled Labor in New England
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Research Report 10-2
Population Aging and State Pensions in New England
by Richard Woodbury, Visiting Scholar from NBER
NEPPC Research Report 10-1
Smart Places, Getting Smarter: Facts about the Young Professional Population in New England States
by Heather Brome
NEPPC Discussion Paper 09-1
Voting with their Feet? Local Economic Conditions and Migration Trends in New England
by Alicia
NEPPC Working Paper
Future of the Skilled Labor Force in New England:
The Supply of Recent College Graduates
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Research Report 08-1