Macro Financial Society's 5th Macro Finance Workshop Linkages Macro Financial Society's 5th Macro Finance Workshop Linkages

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May 28-29, 2015
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston MA

The society holds semiannual workshops that aim to provide an informal forum in which young (as well as experienced) researchers in Macro Finance can present and receive constructive feedback on their preliminary work.

Preliminary Agenda

Thursday, May 28, 2015

6:00 p.m.

 Dinner (Details to be Announced)  

Friday, May 29, 2015

8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast (New England Room)
8:45 Welcoming remarks: TBA   

Credit-Induced Boom and Bust 
Marco Di Maggio (Columbia Business School)
Amir Kermani (University of California, Berkeley)

 Discussant: TBA

9:55 Break

Intermediaries as Information Aggregators
Nina Boyarchenko (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
David Lucca (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Laura Veldkamp (New York University Stern)

Discussant: TBA

11:15 Keynote Address: Jeremy Stein, Moise Y. Safra  Professor of Economics, (Harvard University)  
12:15 p.m. Lunch (The New England Room)

Inflation Expectations and Consumption Expenditure
Francesco D'Acunto (University of California, Berkeley)
Daniel Hoang ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Michael Weber (University of Chicago- Finance)

Discussant: TBA

2:30 Break

Assessing Asset Pricing Models Using Revealed Preferences
Jonathan Berk (Stanford University)
Jules Van Binsbergen (University of Pennsylvania)

Discussant: TBA   


 Currency Risk Factors in Recursive Multi-Country Economy
Ricardo  Colacito (University of North Carolina )
Max  Croce (University of North Carolina)
Federico Gavazzoni (INSEAD)
Robert Ready (University of Rochester)

Discussant: TBA

 4:50 Adjourn


  • Ali Ozdagli, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
  • Hanno Lustig, UCLA Anderson

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