New England Perspectives on Fed Policymaking:
A "Fed Listens" Conference
This Event Has Ended
This year, the Federal Reserve is asking a wide range of stakeholders to provide feedback on our approach to policymaking. We’re asking for perspectives on our performance in attaining the goals Congress has assigned us – and the impact we have on the interest rates, job markets, and prices that Americans experience every day.
In this spirit, on Monday, May 13, the Boston Federal Reserve Bank will host a half-day conference featuring three panels that represent a cross-section of views. Panelists will offer perspectives from organizations that focus on the underserved, views from an array of demographic groups, and impressions from small business and labor. And we will engage the audience to gather feedback on the Fed’s policymaking approach and its impact on residents of New England.
The event will be an opportunity to engage with Fed leaders, including Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida and Boston Fed president Eric Rosengren, among other officials. You don’t need to be an economic policy expert to make a valuable contribution to the discussion. Indeed, we are seeking real-world views on the impact of Fed policies. Following each panel discussion, audience-wide comments and discussion will be welcomed. We hope you will join us.
The origins of this event include Boston Fed research: “Should the Fed regularly evaluate its monetary policy framework?”
Coffee and continental breakfast
Eric Rosengren
President and Chief Executive Officer,
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Opening remarks
Richard Clarida
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Overview of monetary policy framework
Jeffrey Fuhrer
Executive Vice President and Senior Policy Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Panel 1: Perspectives from organizations and programs that focus on the underserved
Aaron Gornstein
President and Chief Executive Officer
Preservation of Affordable Housing
Karleen Porcena
Economic Opportunity Program Officer
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Rachel Flum
Executive Director
Economic Progress Institute
Elyse Cherry
Chief Executive Officer
BlueHub Capital
Jeffrey Thompson
Director, Senior Economist and Policy Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Panel 2: Perspectives from New England smaller businesses, entrepreneurs, and labor
Michael Tamasi
President and Chief Executive Officer
Joanne Chang
Flour Bakery and Myers+Chang
Mark Erlich
Wertheim Fellow
Harvard Law School
Peter Forman
President and Chief Executive Officer
South Shore Chamber of Commerce
Jenny Tang
Senior Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Panel 3: Perspectives from select demographic groups
Vanessa Calderón-Rosado
Chief Executive Officer
Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción
Kesha Ram
Former State Representative
Vermont, 2008–16
Tia Murphy
AARP of Connecticut
Glynn Lloyd
Executive Director
Business Equity Initiative ��� Eastern Bank
Prabal Chakrabarti
Senior Vice President & Community Affairs Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Closing remarks
Richard Clarida
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Eric Rosengren
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Site Topics
- monetary policy ,
- monetary policy framework ,
- Labor markets ,
- Dual mandate ,
- inflation ,
- prices
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