This Event Has Ended
The conference was held in cooperation with the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
The conference was a joint effort. The New England School Development Council obtained the speakers, and invited interested school administrators, school board members, local and state government officials, and leaders in public service. The Council provided those attending the conference with materials to supplement the talks. The Harvard Graduate School of Education provided all facilities for the conference, and made it possible for the twelfth Alfred Dexter Simpson Lecture to be part of the program.
Entire Proceedings (13.5MB)
Frank E. Morris, Robert S. Ireland, and Theodore R. Sizer.
The Issues
The Cost-Revenue Squeeze
Francis Keppel
Comparative School Finance Data, New England States vs. California
Steven J. Weiss and Deborah Driscoll
Inequities in the Benefits and Burdens of Public Education
Arthur E. Wise
The Judicial Impact
Paul R. Dimond
The Art of the Possible
Donald R. Dwight
Alternative Support Patterns
Tax Equity and Educational Equality
Robert T. Capeless
What We Have Already Tried in State-Local Support Systems
Charles S. Benson
Alternative Federal Roles in School Finance
William G. Colman
Full State Funding
The Alfred Dexter Simpson Lecture
Governor Milton J. Shapp's Proposal for a National Education Trust Fund
A. Edward Simon
The Continuing Responsibility of Educators
Francis Keppel
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