New England and The Energy Crisis: Summary and Policy Conclusions
Conference Series 15
This Event Has Ended
For many years New England has suffered from high energy costs which have affected both the pattern and the pace of economic growth. The oil embargo of 1973 and the resultant tripling of oil prices intensified this long-standing problem and in addition awakened the region to the possibility of future energy shortages. In an attempt to contribute to the solution of these problems the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston sponsored this conference on New England and the Energy Crisis.
Entire Proceedings (22.5MB)
Frank E. Morris
New England and the Energy Crisis: Summary and Policy Conclusions
Lynn E. Browne
The International Oil Outlook: A Scenario Approach
Joch D. Ritchie, with discussion by M. A. Adelman
Joch D. Ritchie and M. A. Adelman
The Energy Crisis and New England's Economy
Robert W. Eisenmenger and Richard F. Syron, with discussions by Paul A. London and James M. Howell. Includes responses to Howell and London by Robert W. Eisenmenger and Richard F. Syron.
Financing Difficulties of the New England Electric Utilities
Lynn E. Browne, with discussions by John W. Weber and Andrew F. Brimmer
Energy and the Environment: The Tradeoffs for New England
James J. Mackenzie, with discussions by Peter Judd, Louis Cabot, and R. Murray Campbell. Responses by James J. Mackenzie to Judd, Cabot, and Campbell are also included.
The Potential for Coal Use in New England
Martin B. Zimmerman, with discussion by Guy W. Nichols
Georges Bank Petroleum and New England Regional Income
J. W. Devanney III, with discussions by Alex Steinbergh, Vince P. Ficcaglia, and Michael C. Huston
Importance of a New England Energy Policy
Thomas P. Salmon