Andrea Cerrato is an economist in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department. He joined the Boston Fed in 2024 after earning his PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. His primary fields of interest are macroeconomics and labor economics. He is a research fellow at the Macro Policy Lab and at the UC Berkeley Opportunity Lab, and he is the cofounder of Tortuga Think Tank.
Work Experience
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Economist, 2024–
PhD, Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 2024
MSc, Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2016
BSc, Economics, Bocconi University, 2015
Public Service
Referee: American Economic Review (Insights), The Review of Economics and Statistics
Primary fields of research
Macroeconomics and labor economics
Working papers
“How Big Is the Big Push? The Macroeconomic Effects of a Large-scale Regional Development Program.” 2023.
“Balanced Budget Requirements and Local Austerity Multipliers,” with Franceso Filippucci and Simone Valle. 2023.
“Inflation since COVID: Demand or Supply,” with Giulia Gitti. 2022.