Fall 2014
For Economic Growth, Invest in Women and Girls
Investing more thoughtfully in opportunities for women and removing barriers that hinder them is a potential key to economic growth.
Harbor Place: Supportive Housing in Vermont
Where there are good community relations, residents often embrace supportive housing for the homeless.
Is Small Business Lending Valuable to Banks?
New evidence suggests that small business lending is a profitable market niche for small and possibly midsize publicly traded banking organiza tions in the United States.
Leadership Academy for Grassroots Effectiveness
by Catherine MacKinnon, Mutual Housing, Association of Greater Hartford Developing leadership skills changes lives and strengthens communities.
Matching Financial Institution Community Development with Community Credit Needs
When financial institutions understand the communities in which they operate, they do better at identifying and deploying resources toward community development opportunities and needs.
Mobile Financial Services: Expanding Financial Access and Inclusion
Given that many unbanked and underbanked consumers have mobile phones, the technology already in their pockets may help them access safe, convenient, and affordable financial services.
Online Lending: Friend or Foe of Community Bankers?
As new online-lending platforms change the small-dollar lending land- scape, opportunities may exist for community banks.
Sustainable Communities
With thoughtful attention to planning, social enterprise development, clean energy, the environment, food systems, and cultural well-being, a community can create a sustainable economy.