Mobile / Digital Payment Industry Trends in Distributed Ledger Technology, Cryptocurrency, Mobile P2P Payments, Fraud, and Authentication
Mobile / Digital Payment Industry Trends in Distributed Ledger Technology, Cryptocurrency, Mobile P2P Payments, Fraud, and Authentication
The MPIW meets regularly to inform and consider potential resolutions for shared issues and the elimination of barriers to adoption of retail mobile/digital payments. Payment Strategies publishes summary reports of key findings from the discussions.
Regulatory and Payments Industry Stakeholder Perspectives: Fintech Innovation, Privacy, Open Banking, and Secure Payments
Regulatory and Payments Industry Stakeholder Perspectives: Fintech Innovation, Privacy, Open Banking, and Secure Payments
Innovation across Mobile Payments: Alternative Checkout Models, Chinese Wallets, Fintechs, and Mobile Network Operators
Innovation across Mobile Payments: Alternative Checkout Models, Chinese Wallets, Fintechs, and Mobile Network Operators
Industry Perspectives on the Evolution of EMV Payment Tokenization
Industry Perspectives on the Evolution of EMV Payment Tokenization
Securing Mobile/Digital Payments in a Global, Transit, and Faster Environment
Securing Mobile/Digital Payments in a Global, Transit, and Faster Environment
Understanding the U.S. Card-not-Present (CNP) Fraud Landscape and Identifying Key CNP Fraud Mitigation Tools and Strategies
Understanding the U.S. Card-not-Present (CNP) Fraud Landscape and Identifying Key CNP Fraud Mitigation Tools and Strategies