Labor Markets During and After the Pandemic
66th Economic Conference
COVID-19 has changed the US labor market in many ways. This conference will ask whether some of these changes are likely to endure. Has the pandemic sped up the automation of jobs or shifted workplaces from offices to homes? Did it unleash a surge of entrepreneurship and economic dynamism that will pay dividends in the future? Why was the recovery in labor force participation so slow, given the surge in job vacancies? Will worker shortages drive employment and compensation levels going forward? Conference presenters will address these questions using some of the new sources of data that have emerged during the pandemic. They will also relate their findings to long-standing questions involving productivity growth, inequality, and appropriate labor market policy.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Economic Research Conference Series fosters discussion and critical engagement among academics, central bankers, policymakers, and other experts on important economic policy topics.
Friday, November 18, 2022
Welcoming Remarks
Daniel H. Cooper
Vice President and Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Susan M. Collins
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Has the Coronavirus Transformed the Labor Force?
Ayşegül Şahin
Richard J. Gonzalez Regents Chair in Economics
University of Texas at Austin
Bart Hobijn
Senior Economist and Economic Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Robert E. Hall
Robert and Carole McNeil Joint Hoover Institution Senior Fellow and Professor of Economics
Stanford University
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
Professor of Economics
University of California, Merced
Panel Discussion: Is Remote Work Here To Stay?
Peter Cappelli
George W. Taylor Professor of Management
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Steven J. Davis
William H. Abbott Distinguished Service Professor of International Business and Economics
University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Matthew E. Kahn
Provost Professor of Economics and Spatial Sciences
University of Southern California
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
Professor of Economics
University of California, Merced
Keynote Address: The Pandemic and Workplace Automation
Daron Acemoglu
Institute Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Christopher L. Foote
Senior Economist and Policy Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
COVID-19 and Worker Retirements
Courtney C. Coile
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Economics
Wellesley College
Damon Jones
Associate Professor
Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago
Patricia Cortes
Associate Professor of Markets, Public Policy, and Law
Boston University
International Migration and COVID-19
Giovanni Peri
Professor of Economics
University of California, Davis
Katharine M. Donato
Donald G. Herzberg Professor of International Migration
Georgetown University
Patricia Cortes
Associate Professor of Markets, Public Policy, and Law
Boston University
Short-Term Compensation as a Labor Market Stabilizer
Till Marco von Wachter
Professor of Economics
University of California, Los Angeles
Katharine G. Abraham
Distinguished University Professor
University of Maryland
Patricia Cortes
Associate Professor of Markets, Public Policy, and Law
Boston University
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Surging Business Formation in the Pandemic: Causes and Consequences
Ryan A. Decker
Principal Economist
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
John C. Haltiwanger
Dudley and Louisa Dillard Professor of Economics
University of Maryland
Scott Stern
David Sarnoff Professor of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management
Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
Professor of Economics
Syracuse University
Labor Demand and Wage Growth During and After the Pandemic
Lisa B. Kahn
Professor of Economics
University of Rochester
Lawrence H. Summers
Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus
Harvard University
Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
Professor of Economics
Syracuse University
Concluding Remarks
Christopher L. Foote
Senior Economist and Policy Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Luncheon begins
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