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Primary fields of research

International finance and macroeconomics, international political economy, and trade


Working papers

The Effect of Primary Dealer Constraints on Intermediation in the Treasury Market,” with Falk Bräuning. 2024. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 24-7. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2024.07

Interest Expenses, Coverage Ratio, and Firm Distress,” with Falk Bräuning and Gustavo Joaquim. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives, August 29, 2023.

Risk Management and Derivatives Losses,” with Gabriel Levin-Konigsberg, Hillary Stein, Vicente García Averell, and Calixto López Castañon. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 23-8. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2023.08

Stein, Hillary. 2023. “Got Milk? The Effect of Export Price Shocks on Exchange Rates.” Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 23-1. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2023.01