Mobile / Digital Payment Industry Trends in Distributed Ledger Technology, Cryptocurrency, Mobile P2P Payments, Fraud, and Authentication
The Mobile Payments Industry Workgroup (MPIW) is comprised of stakeholders focused on eliminating barriers to the successful adoption of mobile and digital retail payments in the U.S. The purpose of the January 2020 meeting was to discuss payment developments related to: 1) U.S. federal and state government initiatives that support distributed ledger technology (DLT) and digital assets; 2) developments in cryptocurrency and stablecoins; 3) role of mobile person-to-person (P2P) payments in driving faster payment adoption; 4) mobile payment fraud solutions; 5) authentication protocol implementations; and 6) current mobile/digital payment adoption trends. The technologies and trends discussed at this meeting led to future considerations about mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies, stablecoins and blockchain, as well as considerations for a future central bank digital currency. Faster payments initiatives also play a role in mobile P2P and mobile/digital payments in this evolving ecosystem. Finally, authentication and the use of more dynamic data is the hallmark of ensuring more secure mobile/digital payments. The MPIW will continue to engage and collaborate with the industry to understand the potential impact to the payments system and its stakeholders.
About the Authors
Susan M. Pandy
Marianne Crowe
Site Topics
- mobile payment ,
- digital wallet ,
- blockchain ,
- EMV 3DS ,
- digital asset ,
- stablecoin ,
- cryptocurrency ,
- P2P payments
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