Banking Structure in New England 1999-2001 Banking Structure in New England 1999-2001

Complete Report (242 pages, 4.2MB) pdf

Table of Contents



I. Elements of Antitrust Analysis
This section briefly discusses key elements of antitrust analysis as applied to the banking industry, including the definition of local banking markets and the U.S. Department of Justice's guidelines for evaluating the anticompetitive effects of horizontal mergers.

II. Changes in New England Banking Structure
This section summarizes changes in the structure of New England banking that occurred between May 1, 1999 and May 9, 2001. This section includes five banking structure change tables which list in detail all mergers and acquisitions, formations of bank holding companies, bank openings, name and type changes, and bank closings and failures.

III. New England Depository Institutions
Section III presents tables ranking New England's commercial banking and thrift organizations by total consolidated New England deposits. The first table indicates each institution's deposits, ranking, and share of total New England deposits. The table also provides the total number and combined aggregate deposits of all commercial banking and thrift organizations in New England. The second table provides the same statistics as those provided in the New England table, organized by state.

IV. New England Banking Market Maps and Definitions
Section IV describes New England's local banking markets with maps and definitions. State maps show the banking markets in that state as defined by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, color-coded for the degree of concentration. More detailed maps depict each market individually.


All Banking Market Maps (3.5MB)

Maps by State
ConnecticutMaine | Massachusetts
New Hampshire | Rhode Island | Vermont

Banking Market Definitions

V. New England Banking Market Tables
This section lists New England's local banking market tables. The tables in this section indicate the commercial banking and thrift organizations operating in each local banking market and report their deposits and their share of market deposits. Several banking markets have been redelineated since the publication of Banking Structure in New England 1996-99, based on the most recent definition of Ranally Metro Areas, Census data, and telephone surveys.

VI. Cross-Reference Index of Banking Organizations and Markets
Section VI lists the New England local banking markets in which each banking or thrift organization operates.