Communities & Banking

Spring 2016 Spring 2016

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

Aligning Housing Costs and Wages: The Hartford Case

Greater Hartford residents without a four-year degree face a disconnect between housing costs and the wages they can typically earn.

by Keith Wardrip

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

Haves and Have-Nots: Municipal Fiscal Disparities in Connecticut

Using a "municipal gap" lens, the authors find great fiscal disparities across Connecticut municipalities, resulting from a wide variation in the property-tax base and the cost of services.

by Bo Zhao and Calvin Kuo

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

How Can We Expand College Going and Retention?Mentoring, Nudges, and Information

College coaching programs show promise as a way to boost enrollment in higher education.

by Scott Carrell and Bruce Sacerdote

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

Investment In Leadership

A new report finds that the impending shift in nonprofit leadership in New England threatens a sector that already suffers from fundamental structural deficits and a lack of investment.

by Jonathan Spack

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016
Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

Not Much to Rely on: Racial Wealth Disparities in the Boston Metro Area

Recently collected data reveal striking wealth gaps between the white population and different racial and ethnic groups in the Boston metropolitan area.

by Ana Patricia Muñoz

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

The Public Cost of Low-Wage Work in New England

Stagnating wages are causing many working families to end up on public assistance. More minimum-wage laws could change that scenario.

by Ken Jacobs, Ian Eve Perry, and Jenifer MacGillvary

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

The Underutilized Potential of Teacher-Parent Communication

Though still the exception rather than the rule, teacher-parent communication can have strong positive effects on students' success in school.

by Matthew A. Kraft

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

Understanding Rhode Island in the Great Recession

A look at the hard data could sharpen the narrative about the state's slow comeback.

by Mary A. Burke and Austin J. Drukker

Communities & Banking | 2016 Series |Spring 2016

US Teens Want to Work

Weak economic growth and employer preferences have left teens with diminished opportunities to gain work experience and improve their chances of job market success.

by Paul Harrington and Ishwar Khatiwada