José L. Fillat
José L. Fillat
Senior Economist and Policy Advisor




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Primary fields of research

Finance, asset pricing, macroeconomics, economic dynamics


Refereed journal articles

“The Impact of Regulatory Stress Tests on Banks' Portfolio Similarity and Implications for Systemic Risk,” with Falk Bräuning. 2024. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking.

“Did High Leverage Render Small Businesses Vulnerable to the COVID-19 Shock,” with Falk Bräuning and J. Christina Wang. Forthcoming. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

"Global Banking and the International Transmission of Shocks: A Quantitative Analysis," with Stefania Garetto and Arthur V. Smith. 2023.  Journal of International Economics 145: 103808.

"“The Main Street Lending Program,” with David Arsenau, Molly Mahar, Donald P. Morgan, and Skander Van den Heuvel. 2022. Economic Policy Review 28(1): 58–92.

"Risk, Returns, and Multinational Production," with Stefania Garetto. 2015. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 130(4): 2027–2073.

"Diversification, Cost Structure, and the Risk Premium of Multinational Corporations," with Stefania Garetto and Lindsay Olden ski. 2015. Journal of International Economics 96(1): 37–54.

"Optimal Portfolio Choice with Predictability in House Prices and Transaction Costs," with Stefano Corradin and Carles Vergara-Alert. 2014. Review of Financial Studies 27(3): 823–880.

Working papers and other unpublished papers

Is Post-pandemic Wage Growth Fueling Inflation?” with Philippe Andrade, Falk Bräuning, and Gustavo Joaquim. 2024. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives 24-1. 

Firms’ Cash Holdings and Monetary Policy Transmission,” with Falk Bräuning and Gustavo Joaquim. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. October 12, 2023.

Cost-Price Relationships in a Concentrated Economy,” with Falk Bräuning and Gustavo Joaquim. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 23-9.

Did High Leverage Render Small Businesses Vulnerable to the COVID-19 Shock?” with Falk Bräuning and J. Christina Wang. 2022. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 22-13.

Cost-Price Relationships in a Concentrated Economy,” with Falk Bräuning and Gustavo Joaquim. 2022. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. May 23, 2022.

On the Origins of the Multinational Premium,” with Stefania Garetto 2021. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 21-20.

Corporate Finance and the Transmission of Shocks to the Real Economy,” with Falk Bräuning and Gustavo Joaquim. 2021. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 21-18.

A Helping Hand to Main Street Where and When It Was Needed,” with Falk Bräuning, Frankie Lin, and J. Christina Wang. 2021. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. May 27, 2021.

The Impact of Regulatory Stress Tests on Bank Lending and Its Macroeconomic Consequences,” with Falk Bräuning. 2020. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 20-12.

Corporate Debt Maturity and Monetary Policy,” with Falk Bräuning and J. Christina Wang. 2020. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. October 22, 2020.

Stress Testing Effects on Portfolio Similarities Among Large US Banks.” 2019. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives No. 19–1.

What are the Consequences of Global Banking for the International Transmission of Shocks? A Quantitative Analysis.” 2018. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 18–11.

“Becoming a Multinational: An Analysis of Market Access and Risk through Mergers,” with Stefania Garetto. Paper presented at the American Economic Association Annual Meeting, January 2018.

Portfolio Choice with House Value Misperception,” with Stefano Corradin and Carles Vergara-Alert. 2017. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 17-16.

"Multinational Banks," with Stefania Garetto and Martin Goetz. 2015. Society for Economic Dynamics Meeting Papers 1256. (Also 2012. Society for Economic Dynamics Meeting Papers 898.)

 “Evidence on Housing Price Predictability,” with Stefano Corradin and Carles Vergara-Alert. 2010.

Housing as a Measure for the Long-Run Risk in Asset Pricing,” 2007. University of Chicago.

GMM Estimation of an Asset Pricing Model with Habit Persistence,” with Hugo Garduño. 2005. University of Chicago.

“The Role of Habits in Returns Behavior: Evidence from the Stock Market.” Berkeley Program in Law & Economics. 2005. Latin American and Caribbean Law and Economics Association Annual Papers, Paper 2.