Falk Bräuning
Falk Bräuning
Vice President and Economist


email  falk.brauning@bos.frb.org


website  Personal Website

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Primary fields of research

Financial Economics, Monetary and Macroeconomics, Econometrics


Refereed Journal Articles

“Did High Leverage Render Small Businesses Vulnerable to the COVID-19 Shock?” with José Fillat and Christina Wang. 2024. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 56(6): 1367–1403. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmcb.13118

“The Impact of Regulatory Stress Tests on Bank Lending and Its Macroeconomic Consequences,” with José Fillat. 2024. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmcb.13239

Demand Effects in the FX Forward Market: Micro Evidence from Banks’ Dollar Hedging,” with Puriya Abbassi. Forthcoming. Review of Financial Studies. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3117397

Monetary Policy and Global Banking,” with Victoria Ivashina. Forthcoming. Journal of Finance. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2801304

The Dynamic Factor Network Model with an Application to International Trade,” with Siem Jan Koopman. 2020. Journal of Econometrics 216(2): 494–515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2019.10.007

U.S. Monetary Policy and Emerging Market Credit Cycles,” with Victoria Ivashina. 2020. Journal of Monetary Economics 112(June): 57–76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmoneco.2019.02.005

A Dynamic Network Model of the Unsecured Interbank Lending Market,” with Francisco Blasques and Iman van Lelyveld. 2018. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 90(May 2018): 310–342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jedc.2018.03.015

"Relationship Lending in the Interbank Market and the Price of Liquidity," with Falko Fecht. 2017. Review of Finance 21(1): 33–75.

"Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables using Collapsed Dynamic Factor Analysis," with Siem Jan Koopman. 2014. International Journal of Forecasting 30: 572–584.

Working Papers

Dealer Risk Limits and Currency Returns,” with Omar Barbiero, Gustavo Joaquim, and Hillary Stein. 2024. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 24-11. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2024.11

The Effect of Primary Dealer Constraints on Intermediation in the Treasury Market,” with Hillary Stein. 2024. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 24-7. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2024.07

 “Is Post-pandemic Wage Growth Fueling Inflation?” with Philippe Andrade, José L. Fillat, and Gustavo Joaquim. 2024. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives 24-1. 

Firms’ Cash Holdings and Monetary Policy Transmission,” with José L. Fillat and Gustavo Joaquim. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. October 12, 2023.

Cost-Price Relationships in a Concentrated Economy,” with José L. Fillat and Gustavo Joaquim. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 23-9. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2023.09

Interest Expenses, Coverage Ratio, and Firm Distress,” with Gustavo Joaquim and Hillary Stein. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives, August 29, 2023.

The Historical Effects of Banking Distress on Economic Activity,” with Viacheslav Sheremirov. 2023. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. May 25, 2023.

Did High Leverage Render Small Businesses Vulnerable to the COVID-19 Shock?” with José L. Fillat and J. Christina Wang. 2022. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 22-13. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2022.13

Cost-Price Relationships in a Concentrated Economy,” with José L. Fillat and Gustavo Joaquim. 2022. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. May 23, 2022.

High-Yield Debt Covenants and Their Real Effects,” with Victoria Ivashina and Ali Ozdagli. 2022. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 22-5. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2022.05

Corporate Finance and the Transmission of Shocks to the Real Economy,” with José Fillat and Gustavo Joaquim. 2021. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 21-18. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2021.18

The Transmission Mechanisms of International Business Cycles: Output Spillovers through Trade and Financial Linkages,” with Viacheslav Sheremirov. 2021. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 21-13. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2021.13

A Helping Hand to Main Street Where and When It Was Needed,” with José L. Fillat, Frankie Lin, and J. Christina Wang. 2021. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. May 27, 2021.

Uptake of the Main Street Lending Program,” with Teodora Paligorova. 2021. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. March 19, 2021.

The Impact of Regulatory Stress Tests on Bank Lending and Its Macroeconomic Consequences,” with José L. Fillat. 2020. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 20-12.

Corporate Debt Maturity and Monetary Policy,” with José L. Fillat and J. Christina Wang. 2020. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives. October 22, 2020.

Bargaining Power and Outside Options in the Interbank Lending Market,” with Puriya Abbassi and Niels Schulze. 2020. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 20-10. https://doi.org/10.29412/res.wp.2020.10

Real Effects of Foreign Exchange Risk Migration: Evidence from Matched Firm-Bank Microdata,” with Puriya Abbassi. 2020. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 20-8.

Output Spillovers from U.S. Monetary Policy: The Role of International Trade and Financial Linkages” with Viacheslav Sheremirov. 2019. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 19-15.

"Stress Testing Effects on Portfolio Similarities Among Large US Banks." 2019. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Current Policy Perspectives No. 19–1.

Demand Effects in FX Forward Contracts: Micro Evidence from Banks’ Dollar Hedging,” with Puriya Abbassi. 2018. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 18-6. Revised in 2020.

"The Liquidity Effect of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet Reduction on Short-term Interest Rates." 2018. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Current Policy Perspectives No. 18-1.

"U.S. Monetary Policy and Emerging Market Credit Cycles," with Victoria Ivashina. 2017. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 17-09.

"International Financial Integration, Crises, and Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Euro Area Interbank Crises," with Puriya Abbassi, Falko Fecht, and José-Luis Peydró. 2017. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 17-06.

"Uncovering Covered Interest Parity: The Role of Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy," with Kovid Puria. 2017. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Current Policy Perspectives No. 17-03.

"Monetary Policy and Global Banking," with Victoria Ivashina. 2017. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 17-05.

"The Dynamic Factor Network Model with an Application to Global Credit Risk," with Siem Jan Koopman. 2016. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 16-13.

"Relationship Lending in the Interbank Market and the Price of Liquidity," with Falko Fecht. 2016. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 16-07.

"A Dynamic Network Model of the Unsecured Interbank Lending Market," with Francisco Blasques. 2016. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Papers No. 16-03.

"Cross-Border Liquidity, Relationships and Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Euro Area Interbank Crisis," with Puriya Abbassi, Falko Fecht, and José-Luis Peydró. 2014. Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Papers No. 45/2014.